Blog para la divulgación de las actividades del grupo de investigación de Matemática y Física Computacional, radicado en el Centro de Estudio de Matemática Computacional de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas en Cuba.
UCIENCIA2020 ahora será UCIENCIA2021
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Producto de la situación epidemiológica con el COVID-19 el evento UCIENCIA2020 se pospone para el 5 a 7 de octubre de 2021.
Carried out in the University of Informatics Sciences UCI from November 16 to 17 the First UCI-ICS Workshop and Short Course of Computational Soft Matter Under the support of the III Scientific Conference of the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) was developed from November 16 to 17 the First Workshop UCI-ICS and Short Course on Computational Soft Matter . The event was funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as part of a basic research project of the Center for the Study of Computational Mathematics of the UCI and the Institute of Complex Systems (ICS) and Advanced Simulations ICS-2 / IAS-2 of the Forchungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) from Germany. The organizing committee was composed of the P rofessor Dr. Jorge Gulín González of the UCI, the professor Dr. Roland Georg Winkler of the ICS and the P rofessor Edisel Navas Conyedo of the UCI. The themes of the event were the application of Computational Methods in Soft Condensed Mat...
Updated Call The University of Computer Science (UCI) and the Computational Mathematics Center (CEMC) invite nationals and foreigners to participate in the IV International Workshop on Computational Mathematics and Bioinformatics , which will take place from 05 to 07 October 2021, in Havana Cuba, within the framework of the IV UCIENCIA Scientific Conference . Given the epidemiological circumstances present in Cuba, the event will be held essentially by virtual mode. The presentation of works will be through videos of a maximum duration of 10 minutes through the PICTA platform ( ). Objetives : Disseminate the original scientific results in the areas of Computational Mathematics, Bioinformatics and related fields. Exchange experiences in the areas of Computational Mathematics, Bioinformatics and related fields. Promote cooperation between national and foreign institutions, with emphasis on the development of future joint...
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