Update call: IV International Workshop on Computational Mathematics and Bioinformatics


Updated Call

The University of Computer Science (UCI) and the Computational Mathematics Center (CEMC) invite nationals and foreigners to participate in the IV International Workshop on Computational Mathematics and Bioinformatics, which will take place from 05 to 07 October 2021, in Havana Cuba, within the framework of the IV UCIENCIA Scientific Conference.

Given the epidemiological circumstances present in Cuba, the event will be held essentially by virtual mode.

The presentation of works will be through videos of a maximum duration of 10 minutes through the PICTA platform (https://www.picta.cu).


  • Disseminate the original scientific results in the areas of Computational Mathematics, Bioinformatics and related fields.

  • Exchange experiences in the areas of Computational Mathematics, Bioinformatics and related fields.

  • Promote cooperation between national and foreign institutions, with emphasis on the development of future joint R&D projects.

Workshop topics:

  • Computational Mathematics.

  • High Performance Computing.

  • Computational Design of Nanomaterials.

  • Bioinformatics and its applications.

  • Neuroinformatics.

The submission of the papers will be done through the EasyChair platform (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=uciencia2020). On the event website (https://uciencia.uci.cu) you can download the template or through the following links:


  • Spanish and English

Important dates:

  • May 31, 2021: Deadline for the receipt of works.

  • July 1, 2021: Acceptance by the Scientific Committee.

  • August 1, 2021: Deadline for the receipt of rectified works.

  • October 5 to 7, 2021: Event development.

Payment information:

  • Foreigners: $ 75.00 EUR

  • Nationals: $ 400.00 CUP

Includes: certificate of participation and publication in the memories of the event.

Scientific Comittee
PhD. Jorge Gulín-González (Presidente, CEMC, UCI, Cuba)
PhD. Erik Mannens (Ghent Universidad , Belguim)
PhD. Roberto Mulet Genicio (Facultad de Física, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba)
PhD. José Ignacio Tello (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España)
PhD. Luis Alberto Montero (Universidad de la Habana, Cuba)
PhD. Giusseppe B. Suffritti (Universidad de Sassari, Italia)
PhD. Luis Ramiro Piñeiro (Universidad de la Habana, Cuba)
PhD. Pedro Valdés Sosa (Joint Laboratorio Cuba-China, UESTC, China)
PhD. Oristela Cuellar Justiz (Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologías Computacionales, UCI, Cuba)
PhD. Monica Zoppé (SciVis, Milano, Italy)
PhD. Carlos de las Poza del Rio (Universidad de San Sebastián, Chile)
PhD. Omar Mar Cornelio (CEMC, UCI, Cuba)
PhD. Jairo Rojas Delgado (CEMC, UCI, Cuba)
PhD. Hassán Lombera (CEDIN, UCI, Cuba)


Workshop: PhD. Jorge Gulín-González (email: gulinj@uci.cu)
Executive Secretary UCIENCIA 2021
Phones (53) 7835 8265, 7837 3696
Email: uciencia@uci.cu

Blog: https://mfc-uci.blogspot.com/

Telegram: https://t.me/IVTMCB

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cemcuci


  1. In which Journal will paper be published?

    1. A selections of paper (best qualities) will be published on Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas ( https://rcci.uci.cu ) which is indexed at SciElo, the others on Serie Científica de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas: which is indexed at REDIB, DOAJ, Latindex and DRJI.


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